
Enhance your models with broom an modelr

broom is a helpful package for transforming models into dataframes for further analysis. modelr has some useful functions for working with models. Objectives: learn to handle packages broom and modelr, randomForest model, linear, quadratic and cubic model, and a bit map() from purrr package Requirement: piping, experience of dplyr might help

Factor Analysis

Exploratory factor analysis is performed to find a lower number of unobserved variables (factors) in a larger number of correlated variables. It is a statistical technique for dimension reduction. We will analyse “forest fires” dataset.

Wide and Tidy Data

In this tutorial we will learn what wide and tidy data is, why it is used and how you can transform it from one format in the other. Transforming data from one format in the other is a very common task in data analysis.

Time and Date Handling

If you deal with datasets that contain date and time, these are usually imported as factors, which is not helpful for further processing. You need to apply some special measures to transform it to an R date object or to extract information like days, or hours. In this tuturial you will learn how this works.

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