Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio

Do you want to find out how many rabbits there are after x generations? Fibonacci found the mathematical number series that describes it. This series can be used for modeling other growth processes as well, e.g. plants. Besides this we learn its connection to Golden Ratio, and a lot about vectors handling.

  • Objectives: vectors operations
  • Requirements: none


At first you should know how this series looks like and how it is calculated. The first six elements are

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …

Optional is the zero, that could be added at the beginning (we won’t). You might have realised already, that each number is the sum of its two predecessors. So you need to have two predecessors, which is why we define the first two elements. We define a variable name “fibonacci” and assign a vector to it. For this we use combine c() function. As parameters we pass the first two numbers: 1 and 1.

fibonacci <- c(1, 1)
## [1] 1 1

What structure has this object? We find out with str().

##  num [1:2] 1 1

It is a numerical vector with two elements. You could define two variable, for the predecessor and pre-predecessor. We follow a different approach and use just one vector. What we need is the last element and the next to last element of this vector.

The last element is the element, which index equals the length of the vector. The length of the vector can be determined with length().

## [1] 2

Accessing a specific element is done with square-brackets “[]”. We access the last element:

## [1] 1

The index of next to last element is length minus 1. We use this and access the next to last element:

## [1] 1

So the next element is always defined as this.

fibonacci[length(fibonacci)-1] + fibonacci[length(fibonacci)]
## [1] 2

How can we extend a vector? With append()! We just need to pass the existing vector, followed by the next element.

next_element <- fibonacci[length(fibonacci)-1] + fibonacci[length(fibonacci)]
fibonacci <- append(fibonacci, next_element)
## [1] 1 1 2

We can run this code again and append another element.

next_element <- fibonacci[length(fibonacci)-1] + fibonacci[length(fibonacci)]
fibonacci <- append(fibonacci, next_element)
## [1] 1 1 2 3

We already have a working solution. But it can be more elegant. It also is a lot of effort, if you want to calculate, let’s say, the 50th element.

We define the generation to be calculated with “elementnr”, and initialise the first two elements of “fibonacci”. Now we calculate for the third to the fiftieth element each additional element. If the number of iterations is known in advance you should use a _for() loop. The parameter are a control variable “i”, which is varied from 3 to “element_nr”. In each loop our code for appending the next element is applied.

element_nr <- 50
fibonacci <- c(1, 1)  # initialise first two elements
for (i in 3 : element_nr) {
    next_element <- fibonacci[length(fibonacci)-1] + fibonacci[length(fibonacci)]
    fibonacci <- append(fibonacci, next_element)
##  [1]           1           1           2           3           5
##  [6]           8          13          21          34          55
## [11]          89         144         233         377         610
## [16]         987        1597        2584        4181        6765
## [21]       10946       17711       28657       46368       75025
## [26]      121393      196418      317811      514229      832040
## [31]     1346269     2178309     3524578     5702887     9227465
## [36]    14930352    24157817    39088169    63245986   102334155
## [41]   165580141   267914296   433494437   701408733  1134903170
## [46]  1836311903  2971215073  4807526976  7778742049 12586269025

This worked. Nice. You see the numbers get pretty fast pretty large.

Fibonacci and Golden Ratio

Golden ratio is a proportion which is supposed to be appealing to the viewer. Some artists like Dali used it in their work and you can also find it in nature.

Golden ratio is defined by (1 + square root of 2), divided by 2. Square root is calculated with sqrt().

golden_ratio <- (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
## [1] 1.618034

But how is this related to Fibonacci numbers? If you divide the last by the next to last number you get a ratio that equals golden ratio.

We create two vectors: one includes the elements from 1 to the next to last, the other includes elements from 2 to the next to the last element. Both vectors have the same length. The ratio of both is the golden ratio.

fib_next_to_ast <- fibonacci[1:length(fibonacci)-1]
fib_last <- fibonacci[2:length(fibonacci)]
fib_last / fib_next_to_ast
##  [1] 1.000000 2.000000 1.500000 1.666667 1.600000 1.625000 1.615385
##  [8] 1.619048 1.617647 1.618182 1.617978 1.618056 1.618026 1.618037
## [15] 1.618033 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034
## [22] 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034
## [29] 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034
## [36] 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034
## [43] 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034

You see this are the same after a few elements.

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